Agricultural machinery is subject to dynamic stresses during its operation due to the presence of diesel engines, mechanical moving parts, pumps and compressors.
In addition to active vibrations (i.e., those originating from the machinery), as the machinery moves on rough and uneven terrain shocks and jolts are generated that will not always be fully mitigated by dampers.
Anti-vibration products for the agricultural sector are easy to install, inexpensive and maintenance-free since they are wear and corrosion resistant. They are available from stock in various sizes.
In particular, vibration dampers for the agricultural sector make it possible to improve comfort aboard self-propelled machinery, making work in open fields less onerous for the operators.
Examples of agricultural machinery that can be equipped with vibration dampers include farm tractors, combine harvesters, seed drills, sprayers, power harrows, fertiliser spreaders, manure spreaders and round balers.

Electromedical equipment
Electromedical equipment is severely affected by vibration, since the latter can undermine its efficiency and effectiveness.
Medical equipment must ensure the highest degree of accuracy and permissible tolerances are minimal.
Two are the types of vibration that have to be damped in the bio-medical sector:
- Active vibrations generated by the equipment during its operation and originating in its mechanical parts (pumps, motors, gears) irrespective of their size.
- Passive vibrations from external sources (e.g., other equipment).
The installation of anti-vibration devices in electromedical equipment requires no design adaptations and is recommended for:
- diagnostic imaging equipment (ultrasound, PET, CT, nuclear magnetic resonance) and radiotherapy equipment
- dialysis machinery
- physiotherapy equipment (TENS, ultrasound)
- medical laser devices
- laboratory equipment (PCR, samplers, gas chromatographs)
The DAB catalogue includes rubber-only anti-vibration mounts, with no metal components, compatible with equipment that works by creating a magnetic field.
DAB’s technical department is at the disposal of electromedical equipment producers to provide the most appropriate anti-vibration solutions, which can also be customised to suit specific needs.

Rail transport
Nowadays, rolling stock is designed with great care to ensure maximum passenger comfort and prolong the lifespan of on-board electromechanical devices. To this end, the anti-vibration mounts for railway carriages are made of certified flame-retardant material and are used in many different applications.
A railway carriage is a rather complex structure and uses a variety of anti-vibration products:
- cylindrical vibration dampers to suspend on-board equipment (air conditioning systems, switchboards, electric motors);
- anti-vibration mats to decouple the floor from the rigid structure;
- anti-vibration feet for railway fixtures (seats, luggage racks, windows);
- elastic bushings for moving mechanical parts;
- ceiling-mounted anti-vibration mounts for system parts installed on carriage roofs.
Under the effects of vibration, anti-vibration mounts undergo a controlled deformation and then resume their original shape, thus ensuring vibration damping and noise attenuation.
The highly dissipative elastomeric material coupled with metal dampens vibration, preventing its effects from reaching passengers and equipment: this principle is the basis of mechanical vibration isolation systems.
Railway carriage vibration dampers are easy to install and are available with different threads to adapt to different types of equipment; accordingly, they do not require any design or engineering changes to be installed.
Thanks to the experience acquired as a supplier to the rail transport sector, DAB can produce different types of anti-vibration mounts for railway carriages, including customised ones, and is the ideal partner for engineering companies operating in the transport sector and the subcontractors of companies producing railway and subway trains.
Rubber and metal anti-vibration mounts are used not only in trains, but also in all other forms of transport on rails (subways, trams, people movers).

Nautical sector
Rubber and stainless steel (corrosion-resistant) anti-vibration mounts and damping elements are suited for all types of vessels in both fresh and salt water:
- sailing boats
- motor boats
- cruise ships
- fishing boats
- inflatable boats
- yachts
- harbour areas (anti-vibration bars and strips)
Difficult and variable conditions as are encountered during navigation require high quality, highly reliability and low maintenance products.
Various types of vibration may occur in boat components such as:
- diesel engines or electric motors
- inboard and outboard motors
- pumps
- gensets and power generators,
so that it becomes necessary to reduce and, where possible, eliminate vibration by installing anti-vibration mounts.
The use of such devices also has positive effects on the well-being of the passengers and crew.

Food industry
In modern food processing companies, operations are fully automated in order to minimise the risk of contamination, while ensuring high productivity levels.
The high degree of automation of food processing operations entails the use of machines that differ in weight, configuration and function but have in common the presence of mechanical components that produce vibrations, such as pumps, electric motors, servomechanisms, transportation/conveying systems, and refrigeration units.
The installation of anti-vibration mounts for food processing machinery is very economical and, with a low investment, it is possible not only to avoid breakdowns due to the lack of elastic isolation for the equipment, but also to dampen some of the noise generated by the machinery.
If they are not dampened in an appropriate manner, vibrations can damage the machines themselves, the floors and other machinery.
DAB’s rubber and metal anti-vibration mounts can be installed on various types of food processing machinery, including:
- mixers and moulders
- oil mills
- centrifugal separators
- rolling mills and purifiers
- industrial ice cream machines.
The installation of vibration dampers is also recommended in the small food machinery used in catering, large-scale distribution and the HORECA channel.

Climate control units and air-conditioners are known to produce vibration: the combination of fans and compressors generates stress and noise during operation.
Anti-vibration rubber mounts dampen vibrations and attenuate noise effectively, increasing comfort and the performance of air conditioners, climate control units and heat pumps.

Pumping systems
Pipeline vibration is a serious problem in system engineering: it can reduce system efficiency, lead to increased maintenance requirements and affect the performance of the pumping system.
Vibration affects the pipes, supports, hooks, machinery, and the devices connected to the pipe.
Once the magnitude of the vibration has been determined, pipe anti-vibration mounts can be installed to dampen the oscillations so as to make the entire system more efficient.
As a rule, pipe anti-vibration mounts are installed in the supports, but this does not rule out their use in pumps and other machinery where active vibration is generated.

Machine tools
In today’s metalworking and mechanical engineering industry, a large majority of the production processes are carried out by numerically controlled (CNC) machines.
These machines use many moving parts (in highly complex CNC machines, in fact, there are several tools working simultaneously) and there is often more than one CNC machine in a workshop.
The consequences in terms of vibration and noise may be easily gathered:
- the moving parts of CNC machines produce vibrations that adversely affect the structure of the machine tool and the building where it is installed (active vibrations); furthermore, without a damping system each machine is also affected by vibrations from adjacent machinery (passive vibrations);
- the noise generated, especially in large production facilities, is considerable.
CNC machines must be equipped with vibration dampers in order to prevent the vibrations they produce from damaging the machines themselves, the buildings and other machinery.
DAB designs and manufactures anti-vibration mounts for all CNC machines. Its comprehensive production includes:
- anti-vibration mounts for milling machines
- anti-vibration mounts for lathes
- anti-vibration mounts for punching machines
- anti-vibration mounts for bending machines
Vibration dampers for CNC machines are easy to install, inexpensive and highly customisable.
The vibration damping provided by anti-vibration mounts makes it possible to extend the lifespan of CNC machines, reduce their maintenance requirements and downtime, and increase productivity and efficiency.

Gensets ensure the supply of power to areas that do not have electricity either because they are not connected to the grid or because they are temporarily without service.
All genset components produce vibration and noise, which in the long run can lead to malfunctions and breakdowns.
Anti-vibration mounts for gensets effectively dampen vibration, limiting the risk of damage to the equipment or damage to the structures housing it.
A typical example of the use of these important machines is to be found in construction sites, where gensets are able to provide the necessary energy for some machinery and essential services: on a construction site, they are often located on hard surfaces that do not allow for the dissipation of vibration energy.
Anti-vibration mounts for gensets enable the lifespan of these machines to be extended and their operating costs to be reduced: every malfunction or breakdown prevented makes for definite savings.